Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Basic Differencebetween BPEL and ESB?

Below are some basic Difference between BPEL and ESB: 
1). ESB is good for routing message to multiple destinations. It is also good for doing transformations that have little to no business rules.
2).BPEL is used for bringing together multiple services.  There is much more functionality and allows implementation of complex business logic.
3).Exception handling can be done in BPEL.
4). ESB does not have the sensors which can be used to monitor the activities that can send actions to BAM or DB/JMS.
5).BPEL can use Business Rules, Human Task and Notifications.
6). BPEL primarily used for Orchestration, Data enrichment and also for Human interactions whereas ESB is used for Store and forward transport data.

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