Wednesday, 26 December 2012

How to count the procedure out put node variable values?

Example to count the procedure output node
count(bpws:getVariableData('Invoke_OrderProcessService_OrderProcessService_OutputVariable','OutputParameters','/ns8:OutputParameters/ns8:X_HEADER_TBL_VAL/ns8:X_HEADER_TBL_ITEM_VAL/ns8:ORD_LINE_TBL_VAL/ns8:ORD_LINE_TBL_ITEM_VAL[ns8:LINE_STATE = "BOOKED"]/ns8: LINE_STATE '))

How to set meaning full title for BPEL Process?

Step1: Create Application in Jdev and Create BPEL Project.

Step2: Change the XSD as required.

Step3: Assign order number to variable, create variable

Step4:   Add JavaEmbeded activity and Write below java code in java embeded activity.
/*Write your java code below e.g.

                System.out.println("Hello, World");
//the title should uniquely identify the transaction      
String t_instance_title = (String)getVariableData("Variable_OrderNumber");                           
//set instance title                      

Step5: Deploy the BPEL Process and test.

DVM Syntax?

dvm:lookupValue(dvmMetadataURI as string, SourceColumnName as string,SourceValue as string, TargetColumnName as string, DefaultValue as string)

Functions used to get instance id,process name and current date time?

Below functions used.

To get InstanceIDàora:getInstanceId()

To get ProcessIDàora:getProcessId()

To get  current date and timeàora:getCurrentDateTime()

Positives and negatives of EDN?

Positives and negatives of EDN....

No interaction with other systems
No worries if other systems are unavailable
Not required to transform data to different system format
One way pattern – not for replacing request response pattern
Subscriber not durable – message loss if one of the subscriber is not running – these can be avoided in a clustered environment
No info on who is receiver – granularity of event is question

Details on oracle integration cloud.

It Integrates applications across clouds, on-premises and Hybrid. Easy to use for LOB/Apps IT & IT developed integration. Prebuil...