Here we will discuss about how to cerate DVMs in SOA 10g.
1. Log in to ESB Console and go to DVM MAP Section.
2.In DVM Map Click on Create a new map it displays below screen.
Create a new map and Import a new map.
3.Edit name by double clicking on New DVM, Change domain names and add values as
per requirements as given in screen below.
Example: changed New DVM as “Course_Status”
Domain1 as “Course”
Domain2 as “Status”
Entered the Value1 as “MCA” and Value 2 as “Active"
4.Click on OK and save the changes.
5.You can add or edit existing DVM (at Runtime).
Example to ADD: Click on Add button, you will get below options.
Then clik on row you will get below screen to add values.
Example: Added Course as “MBA” and Status as “Active”
Example to edit: click on tha values which you want to modify and update as per requirement
Updated MCA Course Status as “Inactive” From “Active”
6.You can delete the rows by selecting and clicking on delete button and You can delete complete DVM by selecting and clicking the Delete button.