Wednesday, 30 May 2012

What can be represented with XML?

      1. Textual information, such as scripts
2. Simple, flat-file, databases
3. Any information that needs to be transferred across applications and platforms.

What is XML?

1. XML—Extensible Markup Language—is an open, standard, format for transporting data.
2. It resembles HTML, with a difference:  You define your own tags to describe your data
3. XML is not so much a language, but a means of defining our own markup languages for specific applications.

What are Web Services Key Enablers?

Web Services Key Enablers
         Web language for facilitating
         Data exchange between computers
         Providing information for human consumption
         Specifies an XML framework for describing a web service
         Remote Procedure Call
         Message Passing
         Contains the web services

Thursday, 24 May 2012

What are Sensors in soa?

Sensors Used to monitor specific BPEL activities, variables, faults during run time.
   Kinds of sensors:
         Activity sensors
         Variable sensors
         Fault sensors

What are different Adapters in SOA?

Enable you to integrate BPEL processes with file systems, FTP servers, database tables, database Queues, oracle applications etc.

   Kinds of Adapters:
         Oracle Applications

What are Key Benefits of SOA?

1. Lower integration, development and maintenance costs
2. Reusability
3. Better security
4. Better scalability
     5. Higher Availability

What is a Service ?

1. A unit of work done by a service provider
          2. Services encapsulate reusable business functionality
          3. Could be built in any technology
4.      A service can be dynamically located and invoked

What is SOA ?

I can say in simple words as below:
1. Designed to achieve loose coupling among all the involved components / applications
2. Provides greater flexibility in development, integration and management of applications
3. NOT a language ---A technology independent architectural style

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Component development process.

I have listed here few points from requirement analysis to release into prod as per my experience... :)
 Once the requirement analysis has been finished, we will design technical design document as per business requirement.
Then sent this document to TL or PM for approval purpose. After getting approval from the respective person then we will start implementation process with maintenance of all proper documents like technical design document, test case document and prepare code pack.
This code pack will sent to TL or PM for code reviewing purpose.
If any modification is required, developer need to change the code accordingly then sent it to review purpose again.
If all is fine code will be placed in version controlling system (SVN, CVS, etc).
The code will be released into any one of the test environment as per agreement with client and it will handover to test team,
If any defects have been found in testing time, the component will be assigned to
Development team for modification purpose and will modified accordingly.
After fixing the defects it will sent to review purpose and will sent to release team again.
Release/Deployment team will move the components to different Test environments.
Finally code will be deployed to Production instance.

How to check ESB Activity Current Time Stamp?

To check whether the ESB instances are getting creating with current time stamp or not we have to follow the following steps.
i)The ESB_ACTIVITY Table is the standard ESB in ORA_ESB Schema.
ii)Use the below query to get time stamp value.
   select max(timestamp) from esb_activity.
iii)Get the output of this query and divide it by 1000 and use the following link to get the latest time at which the table ESB_Activity is updated. If this doesn't show current date, chances are there that the timestamp is wrongly updated in the table.
1)select max(timestamp) from esb_activity.
2)Devide it by 1000.
and copy the above value in UNIX TimeStamp: text box and submit it.
We will get Mon, 13 Sep 2010 11:51:21 GMT

4)Then login into ESB console and Click on instances tab and check whether instances are creating with current time stamp or not.

What are deployment procedures in soa?

Hi All,

I have given below as per my experience.. :)
1.       There are various deployment process are available in SOA like deploying through Application Server, SAR, ANT scripts.But Mostly we use ANT Scripts in real-time environments.
2.       Once the component development, reviews and unit testing completed that will be sent to release management to release the code into any one of the test environment.
3.       The developed code packs will be uploaded into version any one of the version control system.
4.       The release management/deployment team downloads the codes form version control system.
5.       Move the codes to appropriate server location where the ant configurations have done.
6.       After moving the code deployment team promotes the code, compile the code and deploy the code by using ANT Scripts.
7.       After deployment the deployment team check for WSDL URL access and end point URLs etc..
8.       After successful deployment the code deployed environment will be handover to respective team.

What is Basic difference between BPEL and ESB?

1). ESB is good for routing message to multiple destinations. It is also good for doing transformations that have little to no business rules.
2).BPEL is used for bringing together multiple services.  There is much more functionality and allows implementation of complex business logic.
3).Exception handling can be done in BPEL.
4). ESB does not have the sensors which can be used to monitor the activities that can send actions to BAM or DB/JMS.
5).BPEL can use Business Rules, Human Task and Notifications.
6). BPEL primarily used for Orchestration, Data enrichment and also for Human interactions where as ESB is used for Store and forward transport data. 

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Whats is basic difference between SOA10g and SOA11g.?

1). Basically all the soa components like BPEL,ESB(Called mediator in 11g) and OWSM are brought into one place in 11g using SCA Composite.
2).The major difference b/w 10g and 11g would be the application server container 10g by default runs on OC4J While 11g runs on web logic server.
3). in 10g every BPEL is a separate project, But in 11g several components can make one project as sca.
4). in 10g consoles are separate for BPEL an ESB, But in 11g EM contains all.
5).In 10g we have to deploy each project separately, but in 11g we can deploy SCA which contains all.
6). in 10g BAM and Business Rules are outside the soa suite, But in 11g they are in soa suite.

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